Alec, the Guardian of Life
A demigod character I created that is one of the oldest in my story. He witnessed the birth of his universe as well as the dividing of planes of the Living and the Underworld. He can be in several places at once, often found guarding the ruins and tombs of long lost ancient people and temples. He also keeps watch over ancient jungles on many different planets, and likes to watch over the elderly and the sick. Often neutral, he can occasionally make an appearance to save a soul, though this rarely happens, and he is very rarely seen. He is one of the two Yin-Yang brothers, the other brother being the Guardian of Death, the Grim Reaper, who I will draw out next. These two demigods end up helping Raphial find his full potential, and end up teaching him how to not only meet but manipulate the Underworld so he may fight Eloe face to face at an equal amount of power so he can have a chance to stop him.