Emergency Donations

Posted by Raphial Hebert
2023 will be hard for me. I'm faced with an enormous amount of difficulties soon ahead of me, including homelessness, divorce, and the loss of my business and workplace. 

The things that have taken place in 2022 have honestly been the reason why I've been in and out, and absent from the community a lot. 

Please consider donating to help, and sharing... anything helps. iraph-studios.com/news.php?news_id=010220230512_5012

What have I been up to???

Posted by Raphial Hebert
Hey guys! I know it's been a little bit since I've given any major updates, commission wips, etc since December, but I am here to tell you that I have no forgotten anyone! I've been honestly hit with a tidal wave of things and work since December on top of the busy schedule I already had since November. I want to keep everyone informed and things transparent, so I wanted to give an update! Along with working at my car shop, juggling some new business prospects and ideas, and surviving the mess of COVID, I've been busy! What have I been up to you ask? Well let me list a few things!
  • My car shop's company (One that I own) will be downsizing for the first time and forwarding the majority of my clientele to my shop neighbor so I can start focusing on new business ideas with more financial stability
  • Starting up my company called Wolftek that will feature computer builds, electronic devices of all sorts, handheld emulators, game consoles (Including retro consoles!), new tech ideas, and more very soon this year
  • Securing an office space or office front for my new tech company Wolftek so that I can finally separate my car shop's work and parts away from my tech/electronic/PC repair work (One in the works, I've viewed two so far)
  • Updating my Patreon accounts to reflect the new changes and include more merchandise, early released content, more benefits for clients, and more! I hope to include this into my near full-time schedule for Wolftek
  • Updating my parent company I own, iRaph Studios, to reflect the new changes and to introduce new management and business architecture to ready myself for my 2021 business changes (Wolftek and my shop are underneath iRaph Studios)
  • Update the logistics and infrastructure of my local non-profit organization Puget Sound Furs to further develop a new, and improve the old, social ideas and events for our members. With more vaccines on the way, and COVID social rules structured better and taken more seriously, we can finally start moving forward with new ideas and new (small) local events both offline and online.
  • Move forward with our comic and [possibly] game project for The Glytheum State and the team involved to help make it happen. We've been slowly getting ready to start creating these pages during 2020, and while we were delayed, the project will be taking off soon (This is what Patreon really helps with!).
  • Introduce more commissions and client-based services into iRaph Studios, and start offering affordable and alternate web hosting services for artists and content creators alike. The office space will help a lot with our servers and network management.
  • Developing the store front for my website so my merch and other items for sale can be put up! I'll be hosting all sorts of me...

Respect for Marriage Act

Posted by Raphial Hebert
The Respect for Marriage Act passed the Senate yesterday making same-sex and interracial marriage recognized as a human right within the federal government. This makes it incredibly difficult for future anti-LGBT legislation to enact another pseudo anti-gay marriage act, such as the previous DOMA, or Defense for Marriage Act, that redacted any right to same sex marriage. 

It still has to pass through the President, but likely will be signed into law.

It passed the Senate 61 to 36, and the House by 267 to 157. Fortunately there was some bipartisanship towards this, but to no surprise, most Republicans voted against it. This new act also further solidifies rights for interracial couples as well.

If we rewind back to 2015, Obergefell v. Hodges trial enacted the law that all states should recognize marriage licenses, whether out of state or not. This was a pretty large win for the LGBTQ community, but the newly found Respect for Marriage act further implements this into federal law, recognizing same-sex as a human right. This does not change any existing any existing state-level laws, however. States who do not allow same-sex marriages still are required to recognized same sex marriage licenses, such as from out of state if you get married in another state then come back. This also allows same sex couples to receive the same federal benefits and tax benefits that regular married couples receive. It does not CHANGE any state laws but enforces the recognition that same-sex married couples are valid, and have the right to live there lives as such.

This is a huge step in the right direction, and further solidifies the validity of LGBTQ people. There is still a lot of work to be done, but with this becoming a pseudo foundation to build on for legislature, it may not be long before LGBTQ people have more rights enacted federally and are finally recognized and have the same freedoms the average person takes advantage of today.

Rough holidays this year

Posted by Raphial Hebert
Hopefully this week will pick back up as I feel a little better, but this is a slow, tiring process of healing. 

Sorry I've been quiet and inconsistent lately. I haven't done much art either. I'm still getting over this stomach ulcer situation that has had me pretty miserable the last two weeks, and it aggravated my pancreas. I've been on meds and a strict diet the last week and half; I've been so weak and have had no strength lately. It sucks ass. I'm behind on work, broke as fuck, behind on a few bills, and haven't got much commission work done. I need all the help and support I can get.

Any support, words of encouragement, donations etc really helps a ton <3 If you'd like to support me and my art, you can either donate or purchase from my storefront! I'll also have a few commission slots opening up soon. Or you can order an Amazon gift for my son this Christmas from his new wishlist! He's 5 this year, and loves Hotwheels and Train sets~ I'll be updating his wishlist continuously this month~ Anything helps this holiday season <3

Main Website:

What I learned using Linux Mint daily

Posted by Raphial Hebert

For years since about 2007, I've familiarized myself with many different Linux distributions. I've become very familiar to using Linux, specifically Debian-based distros, in the server environment as well as in light-weight applications. However, I've rarely taken the time to commit to daily driving Linux...until now. Since Windows 8, I've become a little distant with Microsoft, and my trust in their product life and support has waned a bit. After the release of Windows 10 and its constant issues and annoyances with Windows Update, I've become a bit fed up with Microsoft (And for other reasons...). With the announcement of Windows 11 and the many different reviews of it, I've decided to dedicate time into daily driving Linux and see if I can commit to it for good.

Deciding on a distro was one of the hardest parts, and was a little bit overwhelming. Even for a power user like myself, the many different experiences I've had with multiple distros (I personally run a handful of server towers, some with different distros), it was a chore. So I did some research on the newest distro updates and what opinions others had about which one to daily drive on a well-rounded PC. I've got a Ryzen 16-core CPU, 32GB of RAM, an ASRock 570 Steel Series, and a Gigabyte Radeon 5700 XT GPU, so already out the gate I should be ready for a new distro, as Linux tends to lean more towards AMD than Intel/NVidia because of AMD's driver open source support. After some digging, trying a few like Pop_OS, Ubuntu, Deepin, and Linux Mint, I decided on Linux Mint. 

Now after working on setting everything up, and I knew this would happen, I hit a few obstacles along the way. Especially for setting up my software applications. I do a lot of web design, software programming, art, illustration, graphic design, server management, data management, and lastly gaming. To find substitutes, or migrate [some] programs onto my LM machine was a bit of a chore. For starters, I had to find out which programs were compatible with Linux, such as Discord, Telegram, Visual Studio Code, Virtualbox, and which ones weren't. The handful that weren't I had to find replacements for that were supported by the latest Linux updates and kernel patches. 
  • Here's a quick walk-through of how...

Commissions Opened!

Posted by Raphial Hebert
COMMISSIONS OPEN! I have a handful of slots still open, but for a limited time! I only open once in awhile. Claim them while they're still open! You can see my prices and ToS @ by clicking Art Prices at the top of the page and if you'd like to join my Discord to keep up with my work and updates, you can join it @ https://iraph-studios.com/discord.php or sub to my Patreon @ patreon.com/raphial ❤ DM me if you'd like a slot!
Check out my art Gallery at the top for examples of my work! If you want to see adult examples, click the NSFW toggle button at the very bottom of the page~

My Personal Website is up!

Posted by Raphial Hebert
What's up guys! Welcome to Raphnet where all of my personal stuff will be hosted!